Timothy Whitfield (MediaNutso)さんのプロフィール画像

Timothy Whitfield (MediaNutso)さんのイラストまとめ

Pokemon & Disney Fan, writer and artist. #ActuallyAutistic Written 100+ PLL stories. Biggest goal: make them into an animated series for YouTube.

フォロー数:5004 フォロワー数:2223

Yo. Hope you don't mind, but I want to share one of my art pieces with you. This one I call: Meteor Mash, Now!

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Hey. If you don't mind, I'd like to share with you this art piece: Meteor Mash, Now!

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I'm Tim. I'm 27. going on 28 in 2 months, and my main art specialty is Pokemon anime art pieces.

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I'd like to give a different perspective on why Iris was calling Ash a kid. Now, let me say right now that I was never bothered by it whatsoever, though I completely understand why many fans were. With all that said, there were two ways Iris said the phrase. Either to:

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I think Iris was a good character and got way too much hate from a lot of fans.

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Iris, because you're not afraid to speak your mind, and you have a strong personality.

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