

wannabee arteest, japanese ispokener, otogamer, and cool guy, shit at all of the above / 多連続RT注意
お絵描きサブ - @komo_rebirth

フォロー数:183 フォロワー数:135

III - Der dichter spricht done

i did have high hopes for sakutoki but theyre really stringing things together so well.... thanks so much sca-ji....
idk how many subroutes there are in III but i cant wait to get to the rest...

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finished the common part (im guessing) of ch3 and god damn
i didnt know sca-ji saw exactly me and my relationship with art and wrote it into a specific character, but im both extremely uncomfortable and extremely inspired to get back into drawing regularly...

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well, this is the first time i'm seeing this
i'm happy they went back to doing the credits scrolling with mural art, but the choice of style kinda says a lot about where the story might go on...

anyways, chapter 1 reread done, it's all uncharted waters from here!

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anyways now that i have amegure behind me it's time to jump into Yet Another art appreciation game...


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plot beats? probably similar to sharin no kuni
setting feel? closer to danganronpa
dare i call it better executed? eh, it's close

but honestly the best part is how much of a goddamn gremlin kirie is i have so many saves just to listen to her lines lol

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intro already has Very Good Faces

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so yeah i think i powered through it in about a 2 weeks, which is cool
general 感想 was that it was actually pretty underwhelming, and has internal inconsistencies that really feel weird...

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