

Nova I 28 I They/Them I occasional Cosplayer & Writer I PnP | NSFW: @TintenFlecken | private: @TintenSee | pfp: @ukstls

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Cecil de Laine

Scourge Aasimar Divination Wizard

but not really

Ocassionally has floating lights that tell him where to go to investigate shit

His worst nightmare is paperwork actually
(And dreaming of his Twin is also never pleasant)

(Art by @/filibusterfrog)

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little Roguelock

pretends to be Tiefling for now
but is technically something that came out of the Shadowfell

Feeds on Fear but looks cute while doing it <3

(Art by @/The_ElderJelly and @/rysttle)

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Linnea Severin
Kurz Nea

Human GOOWarlock

Used mostly in a series of inter connected One Shots

Got the Pact by being at the wrong place at the wrong time and has to deal with it ever since
She rather wouldn't

(Art by @/arocalyptic)

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Kallista Meara

Glasya Tiefling Archfey Warlock

My PC for Waterdeep uvu

Got adopted(?) and raised by an Archfey who she considers her mum, which is also where she gets her powers from
Bundle of Chaos
no thoughts, head empty

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Helena Steinsdottìr

My first DnD Character and Campaign Beb

Fallen Aasimar and Tempest Cleric

Serves Njord a God of the Storms

Has truly the edgiest backstory and is iirc the only one in the Party with a STR score
(which so far has served her well <3)

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Nylandriel 'Nyl' Sinthral

Sea Elf Drunken Master Monk

Got banished from their hometown underwater for something they didn't even do
and just decided to leave the Ocean for the first time after that

(Art by @/filibusterfrog)

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Andromeda of Neblina

Fierna Tiefling and Peace Cleric
(It sure is Peace if everyone is dead right?)

Not as nice as she looks but you know

High Priestess of her temple and supposed to ascend to godhood at some point

(Art by @/gloomiepotato and @/Fefisbf1)

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Styx (TSL Spooky Witch)

Half Human Half Splinter and Struggling with it

But meeting Marlow certainly helped with that, and they feel a little bit more whole now <3

Still pretty awkward tho 8D

(smth smth hölds Marlow like Burger)

(Art by aelwen-art on tumblr :>)

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