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Get over here! Little Checky wants to boop you!~❤
@ChiefScarneck @JohnnySvensson5 @TinyVanillaBeam You're not naked, if you're wearing a scarf and aviator goggles! XD
Here's a Suggestion, Why don't you be me this year. I'm somewhat like the Tiny Vanilla Poner...just with clothes. X3
I'd say the Video's about 42% Done. Even with the addendum to correct myself for the announcement of the show on Discovery Family. I can safely say that I'm ALMOST halfway there.
Want to see a Visual Aide? Here!
WARNING: HOT TAKE! Anyone who knows me knows where this is going.
@GtsTamago Here's four pics and a link. Bianca really is a Underused Character for GTS Art, So she's a good choice for some new size art.
#SizeTwitter #Pokemon #Giantess
@KSheridanVoice Happy Birthiversary to you too, Best Pony! I mean, Starlight Glim--I mean, Kelly! ^^'
Hope you're enjoying this special occasion as much as we do! ^w^
#mylittlepony #10thanniversary #10thAnneighversary
Has it really been 70 years since Sparky drew his first comic with Good Ol' Charlie Brown? Time sure flies, but the memories of seeing these characters will last forever. Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus, Lucy...how can I ever forget them...
Happy Anniversary, Peanuts.
Making Models of myself sure is exhausting! What do you guys think of 'em?