

Hello! My names Tizz, I enjoy drawing, animating and photography. I’m 23)and I’ll just randomly post my doodles here any time I can.

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I've realised I haven't posted anything good in a while, so have this boyo I finished today.

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Hey! I did a bunch of Janet designs of Planet Janet from wander over yonder. I love this yandere planet way too much.

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I did a thing after watching the Invader Zim film the other day and I fucking loved it.

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Some small sketches of a Wander over yonder AU called 'Raised By Villains'. Probs will make more posts about it at some point- just dumbing a few sketches here.

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Thought I'd dump my ocs in here

Pretty old boi yet I still love him and hope to rp him again at some point

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