

Black • Artist • 19 • im cool • if i ever post it’s prolly just my OCs fr

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Tangos dark form sorta updated, its mostly just an idea

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Doodles yeeeeee. My Instagram is @/that1Tango; I post more art and stuff abojt my characters there than anywhere

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It’s my friends OC I’d be scared too https://t.co/Npce1gtJEM

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Hey guys. I’m currently trying to design something rn. Tango’s form with using Light magic, You guys may not know much about the story, but I make it a detail that Tangos eyes are Purple and Yellow whenever he’s serious and stuff. I designed a dark form a while ago but I wanna—

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3 ART STYLES CHALLENGE (thing.. I dunno I was just bored

1.) my normal style

2.) /


I tried my best lol 💜❤️💛

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Dw they’re still cool. Just training, and fighting over who should have the last bowl of cereal.

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We should do a HUGE crossover collab thing with all our OCs and stuff endgame style where they all have there weapons out side by side like kablaam kaboom aaaaaa oh my god I’m freaksingshsjwjd booom peewwwbsdjja bweeeyyyhwwwee I’m peeing abababdb BOOM ABAAHHHH

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