

Any. 90's 🇭🇰 Cultural Refugee, 1st Gen Immigrant, Tragically Acculturated. Intersectionality & Anti-Imperialism/🥐🏴‍☠️👯🪶🛸💜🐈🌿/Icon+Header: Ave Mujica

フォロー数:2898 フォロワー数:5036

realizing why I am so sure this would be hilarious and great

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1: ラプラス・ダークネス La+ Darknesss
2: 予想した性格 What I thought she'd be
3: 表の性格 What she seems to be
4: 真の性格 What she really is

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like this is on the cover

did the publisher email the artist back like, "hey could you fix the face?" and then the artist invoiced them for the extra $10 it'd cost for the fix, and the publisher was like, "No, it's OK, we'll just publish with this version"?

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lol villainess reloaded's illustrator changed for vol. 3 and it's a very blatantly less skilled artist working for less money

I wonder if the series sold poorly or if the publisher was just in that bad of a spot they had to cut costs on their books this badly

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