

Art Monke (SFW but suggestive⚠️)
Digital illustrator/character designer wannabe

フォロー数:558 フォロワー数:874

Cell's a gun for hire lookin' for work while unfolding the secrets to why Li'l Joey is both a destructive brute and a child.
Today, kids, Cell asks NoBrain about Li'l Joey. Fun, right?!

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Time to eat all the chocolates and watch the sunset happen. I'mma get romantic with Twitter and use hashtags for once. Now I need to smoke. Happy Valentine's day!

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NoBrain shows off his new pal to Lil' Joey, strange how they apparently drove home despite not owning a car.

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It's Pepe Le Pew's 75th anniversary, my favorite character. Can't wait for WB to do nothing about it.

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Christmas eve is finally here! It's been quite a year with you guys. I've made friends and improved my art. I figured since I've done a bunch of comedy based stuff, why not something sweet. 2020 is unreal to me, can't wait to experience it with you all. Thank you for everything.

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Passed out for most of the month from all the cheap Halloween candy I ate and couldn't draw, time to push this side series on you guys. School of Souls, It'll be a real blast I tell ya!

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NoBrain and Li'l Joey trick or treat in a box. It seems as if the spookiness came to them this year.
Happy Halloween!

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Zack ain't havin' it when SaneBrain brings a disgusting wad of evil it to his October, leaving him to deal with EVIL rabbits. Knowing SaneBrain, those hats aren't a pleasant sight (the biting one didn't seem to get the memo).

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SaneBrain needs some body parts to create an undead soldier to attack everyone he hates, maybe he should've given NoBrain a shopping list of what to get.

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NoBrain's a real goof, I tell ya

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