

The cool ghoul who's everybody's pal. Coming at you live from the morgue. Horror, video games, anime?, death. Medical examiner. Co-host of @YCSMpod He/him

フォロー数:665 フォロワー数:2027

Also Akira is so freaking cool. One of the best Capcom characters of all time. I'n so happy she's back.

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Thinking about the Chimera Ant arc and how it is the perfect anti-shonen, not because it's trying to tear down what makes shonen anime fun, but because it is a meditation on hopelessness and the futility of fighting. As evidenced by every Squad members full on breakdown.

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For reference, here's Hachishakusama as she portrayed in Junji Ito's "The Woman Next Door" and Fatal Frame V

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The spectrum of female character design but it's just the cast of Hunter x Hunter

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Saw a post about the spectrum of female character design and paused for a moment to reflect on Biscuit Krueger

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Apropos of nothing, I'm thinking about medical examiners/coroners in video games and I can only think of...three? Which is an odd number of pictures to include in a tweet, so thankfully Trauma Team includes a good picture of it's forensics rep with a cat.

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I have seen a lot of people noting that Runerigus from Pokemon Sword and Shield is a reference to the Ingvar runes, which it definitely is. What I haven't seen is anyone explaining why Yamask has to take 49 hp of damage to evolve, but folks I have found the answer! 1/2

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The new Slayers Cafe knows what the fans want.

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