Terrain of Magical Expertise - *AVAILABLE NOW*さんのプロフィール画像

Terrain of Magical Expertise - *AVAILABLE NOW*さんのイラストまとめ

Terrain of Magical Expertise ("TOME" for short) is a 2D Turn-Based RPG Adventure like NO other! It's a game...about a game!
- Published by @FulqrumPub

フォロー数:121 フォロワー数:3444

He zips around like lightning...because he's made of lightning! You'll be darting your eyes around just to keep up with his fancy footwork!

8 46

His heavy hammer can send a shock to an entire party's worth of opponents with one slam, but his greater strength is his boundless confidence.

6 34

Co-founder of "Team Tiny" and a member of the "Smallimals". He can breath icy wins and cool blue flame to give you both ends of a nasty temperature!

7 42

Her axe is as big as she is...and she knows how to use it! Whether it's being swung at you up-close-and-personal or being tossed like a boomerang, get ready to duck!

10 43

This cyber-bully loves to talk trash, but his actual weapons can't be ignored. When he summons his "Lusterlackeys", the battlegrid becomes a very unsavory minefield!

8 56

He's got a silver-tongue, a love of theatrics and definitely something to hide. His illusionary techniques can trip up the best of players, even when he fights solo...

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She may be shy and reserved, but her astute analysis of her opponents makes her a force to be reckoned with, as much as her wide variety of spells!

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A villainous role-player constantly looking for new places to set alight with his devilish flames! His giant wings make for both a good offense and defense.

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This enthusiastic fellow has some fierce fists that can launch shards of ice, but his true talent lies in his inspiring speech to boost the strength of his partner!

7 42

One of the two infamous "Twin Captains". His punches are as quick as lightning, he can engulf himself in lightning...and even his hair is like lightning!

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