

Tonkatsu 🍱🍛 | 🇲🇾 | Training Drawing | EN/中文/簡単な日本語OKです! 👌


Artist wannabe
ホロライブ Enthusiast

フォロー数:185 フォロワー数:31

Precious smile under the sunny skies

14 140

The coconut nut is a big-big nut, but it's delicious nut is not a nut

Ayunda Risu with Seedot, Chestnaught, Skwovet, and Pachirisu!

Everything is nutz and squirrelz

6 27

Too alien for earth, too human for outer space.

Airani Iofifteen with Smeagle, Deoxys, Beheeyem & Orbeetle.

An Alien to pair with extraterrestrial, orbeetle for the UFO motif and Smeagle for the paints :D

11 26

Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.

Moona Hoshinova with Piplup, Lunala, Lunatone & Clefairy

Having fun working on some art featuring hololive x pokemon inspired by holomon

107 1256

It's raining nutzzz !!!

Risu Love nuts so there will be nuts!

My first attempt on illustration in Riyo artstyle, hopefully will continue draw and upload more artwork here :O

45 446