

I draw, and play games, and ask stupid questions.

フォロー数:128 フォロワー数:253

SOme old art repurposed.

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HAve more pictures.

just messing with scribble's colors more.

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forgot to do this week's picture yesterday, so I did a quick thing today.

have my bat, weenie, taking on someone's bet to swallow a whole watermelon.

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so yesterday I had the desire to want to try out alternate colors for scribble. I wanted to base her colors off my halo spartan colors.

it might be a work in progress with little tweaks and all that, but I kind of like what I did so far. the two versions are different schemes.

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I had so much trouble drawing today. I tried for like an hour and a half and justs crapped everthing.

I was able to atealst get a nice thing good enough to where I like it.

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this week's sketch was an idea I kind of dig? it's like a partial chest covering thing. it looks cool, and can lead to... more interesting things, if you let your imagination roam.

weenie, my bat is on my mind, so she is the one who gets to wear the cool braytech hunter.

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here is a rough chart idea of dru'nali and how males and females differ from one another. this was a species that me and agreed on sharing? working on together? joint owned species ofone of the charters I adopted from her.

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STill having trouble drawing right now, but I did at least crwp out some art.

have some lodidah butt.

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