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Favoritism over the big red cheese is a DC staple. They hate Billy. I don't even mean modern stuff. I mean in general they seem to not be able to find a niche for the marvel family in the DCU. Sort of why I champion earth 5.

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Oh for sure. I could never get over Cletus being in Spectacular Spider-Man. Just the image of him in a Christmas hat and not in a cell proper or in a straight jacket is hilariously off setting.

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Mojo was so good in that show. Charlie Adler as the voice is utterly phenomenal.

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Walt's statue looks like he will welcome me into Rapture.

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Walt's statue looks like he will welcome me into Rapture.

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The impossible made possible.
A design that has so much and yet nothing all at the same time.

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I really like the design for Gollum in this film.
It's just other worldly.

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Big the Cat is the unsung hero himbo feline and should have prevalence in the group as the also pussycat powerhouse he is. You will be friends with him at his best and you will be enemies him at his worst.

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