

(Current Mood: Slaying)
{Master Artist - Epic Streamer- Comedy Expert - FE Hater - Humble - Devil Summoner - Rich - Great Music Taste}

フォロー数:436 フォロワー数:226

Yes... Someday I'll make everyone appreciate the Fine Arts of "Edge"...

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Thanks my Dude... Had some inspiration one night and just had to sketch that mf out...

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Gonna walk up on the wasteland of what used to be "Peaceful Happy Ice Ring Palace" like this

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You whenever you heard me trying to put a 10000 force thruster on a nuke

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"Just Scouting The Scenery..."

(Background/No Background[Not A Clean Cut Tho])

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Pov: You have a Funny Little Mark on your Shoulder

(Lmao also thanks Phoenix)

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