

I'm a MAJOR Anime nut! I also enjoy WWE, FGO and Genshin!
Madly in love with Keqing (Genshin), Miyu (Prillya), Yami (TLR), Fate (Nanoha) and Yuuki (SAO)

フォロー数:2681 フォロワー数:5797

Mmmmmmm..... x3

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Patchy fanservice! RAWR! x3

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Yuyuko and Youmu cute together. x3

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Patchy & Marisa going through books!

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Pouty embarrassed Rin! :3

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OH GOD NO!!! MY EYES!!!! x.x; (Rurutie probably the only one who loves this. LOL!)

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Good morning all, another day of work awaits!

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LOL! Kaede walks in on a bare chested Sakuta talking with Mai. xD

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