

Hello​ there​ every​one I'm a guy who love drawing from 🇹🇭!
Movies & Anime & Star Wars Fans

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Finally.... Eurora the​ wyvern
My​ first​ ​original​ girl​ character.

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“Look around. We’re one and the same. Same heart, same blood.”
This​ is​ my​ first​ stained​ glass​ style​ art.🙏🏻

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Happy Songkran Day!! 🥳🔫💦
Wish everyone happy​✨
And​ may​ the​ Force​ be​ with​ us

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💀⛓️-STAR​ KILLER​-⛓️💀

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it's​ look​ like​ I​ must​ to​ Remake my​ OC... 🤔🐉

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Ara​ ara~General​ Kenobi!!

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The​ T-1​ 🛠️🛠️💀🤖🛠️🛠️
From​ Terminator​ III

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The​ meet​ing​ of​ Machine.
"Thank you original png picture of Ophelia​ from​ " 🙏🏻

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