-you can call me Tors/以恩
- I love my wife @_caiked ❤️
- they/he /他 ~ 台灣+🇲🇽
- pfp from 烈火浇愁 pls read it banner from iwtv
- aro ace spec Butch lesbian?! 🙀
@DlNGYOU Sorry wait im not sure if thats the sctual artist’s weibo i got that image from the internet somewhere but when i looked at taobao it does come as an inclusion so i guess its official
New year looking for more moots #promotwt ¯\_(ツ)
I go by Tors or 以恩 (Yien)
I like baihe/gl and danmei, crying, sometimes drawing, and loona and twice.
有时候我会用中文哭 and sometimes i’ll use english. Interact for a photo fun ny from my camera roll :))