

Talents dancer boys around the world. Any kind of dance & some other things that I like me; like landscapes. No porn. Please RT.

フォロー数:702 フォロワー数:2073

Vinicius Vieira Veiga - São Paulo Companhia de Dança. Photo by Cassiano Grandi

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Vito Lorusso and Alessandro Cascioli - photo by Giovanni Vecchi

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Chad Ortiz - photo by Ahjile Miller

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Dmitriy Fisher and Oleg Gabyshev. Photo:Souheil Michael Khoury

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Neil Marshall and Jovani Furlan Junior

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Andrew Hayes Daly
Pennsylvania Ballet
photo by Vikki Sloviter

5 4

Edward Watson
The Royal Ballet
photo by Sam Christmas

15 9

Ángel Corella

& Ashley Ellis

5 3

AnthonySavoy. Dancer. Theater. Harlem. Ballet. Photography NYC Dance Photographer male ballerina

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