

@Runefest Vet - ALL Events🐉
Player Event Organiser
Ebay: roshur13📦
Golden Gnome'18🏆
@SpecialEffect Ambassador💙🧡
UCoR Co-Owner
All views are my own.

フォロー数:2756 フォロワー数:1413

No one appreciates my current song choices

Silent Night, Oh Christmas Tree and Tis The Season

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I need someone to measure a Lindor for me :) one of these, the small ball ones, thank you i 'think' its 25mm but you never know

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Free Stuff Request:

Im looking for someone to donate artwork for the upcoming 25mm Button Badge Designs

Badges will be sold via my ebay and all funds will go towards 2022 Monty Pins which benefits

Old commission that was unsold? Sketches? HMU!

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Anyone got any realistic and helpful ideas for a new pc desk? Size, corner, raiser?

Need for just the usual with 2 monitors, printer and simple media streams

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You seem a little tense today dear ... Here, Have a virtual massage

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I knew it was early cos the solar lights were still on when I left for work ...

Good Morning Folks! Happy Tuesday!

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Dont forget we still have some awesome badges, bottle openers and fridge magnets in stock with all money going to Charity :)

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You could buy a book like these shown, and have it sent to me (ask for details)

What better way of using up your amazon vouchers you have 2 quid left on YOU DONT NEED another cow shaped egg timer

Contact me for details :) and please share if you can

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If you're happy being single on valentines day, then that's absolutely awesome! Just please don't take it away from those who are enjoying the day with their loved ones though.
Seem a few grumbles about posts with gifts, flowers. Let's just not shall we. Let people be happy.

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