

I'm a Researcher/Alchemist /Magician seeking to understand our cosmos through Science, Magic, Theology, and Technology and A i 🎨 to reach Truth

フォロー数:2826 フォロワー数:1847

The Winter's Tale, Act 4 Scene 4
In Comment

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King Learn Act 1, Scene 4

Seed: 1687130855

Her husbandry lie on heaps Corrupting in its own fertility. Her vine, the merry cheerer of the heart,Unpruned dies

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Romeo and Juliet. Act II, Scene II.

Seed: 3164089332

In such a night Stood thee with a willow in her hand Upon the wild sea banks and waft her love To come again in such a night

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Luckily I found levers to this ancient mechanical dam and opened up the gates. I know I said I was going to nuke it but then would be right back where we started.

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Cheeeettttt You could be anywhere and your mind place is too damn

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Romeo and Juliet Act 2, Scene 2

Seed: 3114148528

Roses have thorns and silver fountains mud Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud

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William Shakespeare
Pericles, Prince of Tyre


His words are bonds, his oaths are oracles, His love sincere, his thoughts immaculate, His tears pure messengers sent from his heart, His heart as far from fraud as heaven from earth.

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😢 William Shakespeare's play Sonnet XVIII
Seed: 1775356730

Against the stormy gusts of winter's day And rage of death's eternal cold? O, none but unthrifts! Dear my love, you know You had a father:

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Wolves: Heaven So Heartless
Prompt: Ailyrics

A place in the darkness
I'm feelin' so heartless

School bell rings at 3
All my friends with me
Street lights just came on
Mission comes undone

We're stuck in the darkness
A heaven so heartless

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It was hard to choose with this prompt one more ...

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