

I'm a Researcher/Alchemist /Magician seeking to understand our cosmos through Science, Magic, Theology, and Technology and A i 🎨 to reach Truth

フォロー数:2826 フォロワー数:1847

Like a kid in a candy store.

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William Shakespeare
King Richard II Act 2 Scene 1

Seed: 3202534600

This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle, earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, Demi-paradise

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🧵7/10 Dark Dominion

Seeking to end all life, they clashed in a fight that thundered with the shriek that only a siren of death would make. The first lord summoned a wave of dark energy, but the Lord Immortal countered with a burst of light that sent his enemy reeling.

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