

Co-Author of and husband of @rainbow_flyer22…

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And the Sequel! Set in an AU where Ahsoka fell to the Dark Side

1 8

Good news for the start of the month! My hand injury has totally healed, and I've already started updating Patreon again! Now's the perfect time to start a new pledge... you'll get access to the next 7 1/2 months of updates all at once

3 16

I really enjoy just showing Jenna being loving and gentle with her lovers occasionally.

4 18



I'm going to be DM'ing more D&D tonight. My group is playing through the classic Lost Mines of Phandelver. So join us at tonight at 5pm PST

6 19

This month is rough... we found bedbugs in our room, so we're throwing out our bed and deep cleaning everything... our apartment is hiring a pest control company as well. But I'm still injured... so I can't really help with any heavy lifting.

4 20

I tried to do some drawing today... my thumbs still hurt when I try to lift anything, but I'm not in constant pain or anything. So I decided to try and draw something and uh... yeah, I still can't handle the wrist motion.

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