VERMILION EMPIRE | Volume 2さんのプロフィール画像

VERMILION EMPIRE | Volume 2さんのイラストまとめ

Designist, drawist, writist | Ordained king of the universe and highest evolutionary level of trash | Derivate of @KingVermilion | No commissions. No requests.

フォロー数:100 フォロワー数:105

WIP. He's practicing to be the biggest bully. Now be intimidated by him or he'll start crying!

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I can sense that you're in desperate need of a stoat selling you counterfeit clothes. So here you go.
He's stocked up his shelves with illegal shoes he legally stores in his basement, or legal shoes he illegally stores in his basement. I'm not sure.

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WIP. Almost done. What's your favorite daytime activity at night?

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WIP. I do my backgrounds like I do my characters: Barely.

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WIP. Almost done. He offers valuable services. You're obliged to pay him in stickers.

He once won an award at a provincial fashion show in the category "Having been noticed". It's the highest place any rat has ever taken. Most only fall in the category "Potentially existing".

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WIP. Thinking about the right outfit design. Also thinking about which tea to get for dinner.

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WIP. Experimenting with colors. Now he's bubblegum rat, which makes him look pretty fab, actually. He looks like a marshmallow with chocolate filling. Old, foggy chocolate. Or like one of those obnoxious vloggers talking about their shoes and cats.

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WIP. Almost done. Not sure if I like it. The perspective/anatomy is somewhat screwed in places.

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WIP. When I started this one I had no idea where it was going. Actually, I still have no idea.

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