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April 10, 1902: A.E. Waite was admitted to the grade of Zelator in the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.).
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#AEWaite #ArthurEdwardWaite #SocietasRosicrucianaInAnglia #SRIA #Magick #Occult #CeremonialMagick #Rosicrucian
April 5, 1886: Rudyard Kipling was initiated an Entered Apprentice (by dispensation) in Hope and Perseverance Lodge No. 782, E.C. in Lahore, Pakistan.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#RudyardKipling #NobelPrize #Author #JungleBook #Freemasons #Freemasonry
Happy Birthday to Booker T. Washington, born on this day in 1856.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#BookerTWashington #CivilRights #Equality #PrinceHall #princehallmason #AmericanHistory #history #Freemasons #freemasonry #masonic #TravisSimpkins #art #portrait
April 4, 1778: Voltaire was initiated into Freemasonry at the Loge des Neuf Soeurs in Paris. He was conducted through the degree by Benjamin Franklin.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#Voltaire #Philosopher #Philosophy #Enlightenment #Freemasons #Freemasonry
April 2, 1870: Buffalo Bill Cody was passed to the degree of Fellowcraft in Platte Valley Lodge No. 32, in North Platte, Nebraska.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#BuffaloBill #WilliamFCody #BuffaloBillCody #Freemasons #Freemasonry #GrandLodgeOfNebraska
April 2, 1920: Aleister Crowley began renting the old Villa Santa Barbara for his Abbey of Thelema in Cefalu, Sicily.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#AleisterCrowley #AbbeyOfThelema #Cefalu #Thelema #OrdoTempliOrientis #OTO #Aiwass #Magick #CeremonialMagick
April 2, 1795: Col. John Mitchell was appointed a Deputy Inspector General of the Order of the Royal Secret, a precursor to the Supreme Council, 33° of the Scottish Rite.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#ScottishRite #SupremeCouncil #RoyalSecret #Freemasonry
April 1, 1878: William Robert Woodman became Supreme Magus of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.)
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#WilliamRobertWoodman #SocietasRosicrucianaInAnglia #SRIA #SupremeMagus #Freemasonry #Rosicrucians #Magick #Qabalah
March 31, 1959: The Dalai Llama entered India, 14 days after his escape from Tibet.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#DalaiLama #HisHoliness #TenzinGyatso #Tibet #india #TibetanBuddhism #Buddhism #escape #asylum #history #TravisSimpkins #otd #ommanipadmehum
March 31, 1901: Edgar Cayce gave his first psychic reading and diagnosis (of himself).
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#EdgarCayce #SleepingProphet #Psychic #Clairvoyance #Clairvoyant #trance #Occult #TravisSimpkins #history #otd #art #portrait #NewAge #sketch