

Life-long #Trekkie. Rewatching, Live-Tweeting and grading the entire #StarTrek franchise in chronological (by stardate) order. 🖖🏼

フォロー数:79 フォロワー数:521

is tight from beginning to end. It manages to pack in an action story on board the Defiant with some interpersonal conflict for Worf, as well as a huge step forward for Dax and Bashir. And the biggest piece is a huge leap forward for Kira and Ben's friendship.

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My Voyager episode poster for really only had one idea that stuck with me.

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It's birthday! I mean, birthday! Happy birthday to the most influential Cardassian this side of the wormhole!

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Even though it is a season two episode, falls into season one by Stardate so it falls into my season one episode poster project.

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Season 3 of DS9 ends with an ominous statement, and it is only fitting my episode poster for feature that same statement.

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The concept for my episode poster for was pretty easy to come up with. The hardest part was figuring out how many candidates to put on the ballot.

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My episode poster for focuses on the relationship between Garak and Odo, and the shift in power dynamic this episode explores.

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Happy birthday to Captain Janeway herself, !

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One more poster for the night. Here is my episode poster for Voyager's

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Finally caught up with my episode posters with I was stuck on something inside Jumian’s head but that felt too on-the-nose. The skull in an aging Julian’s eye came to me while sitting at my son’s baseball practice last night. I like it.

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