

PC gamer; Anime dweeb; All around nerd. Play mostly story/character driven games.


フォロー数:2044 フォロワー数:1661

The Jackochallenge is the single greatest thing to ever exist 😫😫😫

1 19

I changed my mind. Fuck Mayumi. She fed my boi Tatsuya some bitter ass chocolate on purpose and I can't support this kind of abuse of MY mc. Miyuki and Lina are the best girls in Mahouka 😤

1 8

Guess I'll start this now. Why not.

0 6

The real question tho, is why the fuck does Kokomi (apparently) ascend with hydro dmg bonus instead of healing % if she benefits more from the latter? Like, ain't nobody gonna be doing damage with this character that can't crit anyways 😐😐😐

0 7

Bunny outfits make everything better 😫😫😫

6 44

pov: The traveler wasn't a dipshit and decided to live out their days in Inazuma with Ayaka (after her quest) instead of chasing after their sibling that doesn't even want to be found

0 11

It's crazy how every future DPS in Genshin is gonna feel weak as fuck compared to Ayaka. My Ayaka does 45-50k (multi target) charge attacks AND enemies are frozen for it, while she also has a massive burst for dealing with bosses.

What more could u possibly want? 😫

1 13

I need mommy Baal to come home to me. PLEASE.


1 23

Actually pretty excited for Kokomi ngl

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Aether and Ayaka continue the Kamisato bloodline and you can't convince me otherwise.

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