Lil' Triangleさんのプロフィール画像

Lil' Triangleさんのイラストまとめ

I'm just a little guy with a little eye.…

フォロー数:323 フォロワー数:1501

4. As far as 'overrated' goes, it's really easy to just go "Naruto" and be done with it.

There's something for everyone, and each show has *something* going for it.

Except for Umaru-chan. This show has nothing going for it. Why do people like this shit?

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3. I've seen some people give this series some praise occasionally, but I think Welcome To The NHK is a show that is becoming increasingly more relatable to Western audiences.

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2. I will never tell a normie that I enjoyed this

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I took 54 minutes making this meme

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When people use "regime" instead of "regimen"

1 8

I'd just get x1,000,000 of these instantly

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How to play Apex Legends:
1. Wait 10 minutes for a game
2. Pick a character
3. Drop into a hot spot and die instantly
4. "Don't wanna do that again"
5. Good, I'm da jump mahstah
6. One or both of your team mates jump solo into a hot spot
7. They both die and ping you incessantly

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