

フォロー数:180 フォロワー数:632

Certainly not like he was.
No complexity, no heart, no vulnerability, no humor, or playful deviousness... just....

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Wow, I'd never heard that one before. Yikes, talk about being desperate. But hey they got their own kid, nevermind that no one cared about it, still it's a crumb.

It's funny they really thought if they got rid of the kids nothing would be left of TnB. Yeah they never got it.

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Todd Manning: 93'-95'
There wasn't one bad story. The rape, the trial, going on the run, Rebecca/Todd, his pardon, Todd/Blair, the Lord Heir, the pregnancy lie, his presumed death...Every bit of it was gold and made him an iconic character.

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Now see that? That is cruel. 😂

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I remember Flo saying deep, deep down Tea knew Victor wasn't Todd. I think she knew because Victor was there for her in ways Todd never was. When Victor chose Tea over Blair that was the biggest tip off. Todd will always choose Blair.

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The way Todd always covers Blair up and touches her hair when she's sleeping...

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Todd: I admire you.
Vicki: Why, I'm a wreck.
Todd: No, no you're incredible.
Vicki: Oh shut up.
Todd: If I had half as much passion as you do... You're an inspiration.
Vicki: I love you. I really, really love you.

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The characters have grown, changed, Chosen was "Fan service" for the few fans that still loved Bangel. Joss says that in the commentary. See how he followed that up in S8 in the comics. He dismantled them piece by piece.
The one true love thing is in the past.

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Domesticated Spuffy
-BTVS Comics

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You get to a point where you have a sect of fandom who'd like Buffy and Spike to end up together as a happy couple. What did you think about that?

James Marsters: I think it's possible. And I can understand that... I think I played a good love with Sarah.

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