

26, they/them. Artist. Writer. Comics. Maybe a little bit furry. Support me on ko-fi: ko-fi.com/puyon9147

フォロー数:38 フォロワー数:56

got possessed by the spirit of sexy farmer pete.

alternate caption provided by pals is 'when the character you're trying to romance swings by your farm'

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ah great here's another one. y'all I love underground settings so much

I love them so fucking much

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Inktober catch up! Day 4! Neirin Kier! Younger half-brother of Nova.

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I’m going to get this thing to a scanner in the morning, but here’s a piece I did to celebrate 15 years of Random Encounter…!

Yeah!! Celebrate!!! Party hardy!!! Congratulations !!!

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Also, none of these pieces were properly colored in with colored markers. I get them down with grayscales and then color over them using a Soft Light later ;0

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My parents and brother have been gone from the house the past couple days so I had an art field day, though incidentally, none of it was stuff I actually need to be working on

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*slides this on the table* :3

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Lights out, Miss Kiborn.

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hey I’ve got a Worldbuilding Wsaturday question. So like, the guardians and champions are based on the lunar/astral zodiac from our world, but this dialogue had me wondering if there was an established zodiac on LaRaGa and if people there treat the zodiacs like we do

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