

God tier streamer. Maybe, Idk, you should check it out.

Business Email: [email protected]

フォロー数:908 フォロワー数:12503

Zelda is now woke. I beat the game. :)

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Gonna stream some Borderlands 3 today, not like anyone else on Twitch is streaming it. So you'll be forced to watch me. Mwahahaahaha.

0 25

Demon Slayer is incredible visually, but the audio is what really sells the show for me. That creepy ass vocal music they play during demon introductions gets me everytime.

0 30

I'm really enjoying Control. Hoping it has a killer ending, as it's starting to ramp up story wise for me. More gameplay tomorrow! Think I can beat it by the end of the day.

0 13

If Taylor Swift purrs in the new Cats movie.......

0 10

Where's my Emperor's New Groove Disney Remake? I'd also be down for some Oliver and Company.

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Asura's Wrath is the best game I've played in weeks. I need to figure out how to play the DLC. 9/10

Def not a game for everyone, but for peeps that want to button mash and go full anime life, it's god tier.

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Perfect for my old man gamer fingers.

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Lana the game God. Thank you for blessing me with your knowledge.

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