

A show about your enemies made by your friends
@Liz_Franczak Brace Belden @yungchomsky

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If I saw that I’d keep rocking

0 147

It’s possible to be alone—even in a crowd.

89 4125

Ghislaine hugging lawyers and drinking water

62 2527

Sillydelphia again tonight. Check out this guy…

12 730

Lou Reeds album with Metallica is one of the most perverted albums ever made

16 444

Do you think you can escape me

7 325

What I wouldn’t give to be the fucking schlub in the white shirt I wouldn’t be passing Corporate Memphis Woman by without even so much as a passing glance I would be stopping and stooping and placing my hand on her cheek and giving her experimental SSRI she can still get horny on

10 249

12:20 AM thinking of Corporate Memphis Woman with eczema

7 246