

YouTuber who Loves Fighting Games!……

フォロー数:199 フォロワー数:15880

U.S. government in 2020 be like:
"Let's see how many rights we can take away before they start giving a sh!t lol"

7 144

My viewers: Play more online matches!
YouTube: Yeah, I'm gonna demonetize lol

10 200

Here's a challenge for you: Post your favorite costume for a fighting game character! For me, there will never be anything better than Alpha Chun Li 😍👍

4 165

In my graphic design class, a student recently made this lol. The challenge was to make a logo for a restaurant, and her idea was Hooters but it's fried chicken 😂

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Fighting game women with ties are so ✋😩🤚❤️❤️

13 245

Here are the Characters I want for Season 5 of SFV

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Not gonna lie, I have a close friend who loves women's feet (I never judge), but I can't help but notice how MK11 goes out of it's way to never include barefoot skins for the women. Yet we have tons of barefoot bros. These KL skins are especially guilty of this 😓

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