

新人アニメーター ✍️🇿🇦 2D Animator | LOと二原画 | 仕事の依頼でDMを送る | BORUTO, ジョジョ, うる星やつら, 遊戯王ゴーラッシュ | [email protected] | Normal acc: @Katleho_Tshita

フォロー数:764 フォロワー数:884

Did some LO work for this week's Urusei Yatsura!
This was the most amount of cuts Ive done til this point. Also thank you to those who had to pick up my slack😅

Thanks for watching!

54 275

Did a little drawing to celebrate the end of Yugioh Sevens. What an amazing finally! I can tell the staff put a lot of love and hard work into it.

23 61

The ⭐Yugaman vs The⭐ Lukeman

6 35

Starting clean up

1 5