


フォロー数:135 フォロワー数:945

Belial gets in an argument with a priest in today's toon...

30 36

Wet dreams are explained in today's toon...

8 5

Belial meets competition in today's toon...

13 11

A guy finds himself in deep water in today's toon...

20 23

Belial does the limbo in today's toon...

17 15

The Boy finds out where babies come from in today's toon...

44 40

Two men stuck on an island are down to their last M&M in today's toon...

10 11

Belial is in a tight spot in today's toon...

13 6

The Big Bad Wolf has some doubts about his costume in today's toon...

34 30

We look at the differences between cats and dogs in today's toon...

55 47