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Follow and retweet to win a copy of Battle Angel Alita: Mars Chronicle Vol. 1 from @KodanshaUSA to mark the release of @AlitaMovie in UK cinemas. Open to UK residents only. Winner announced Monday 11 February at 10AM.
Out now: @TheBadDr returns with "The Lady Doctor" - a follow up to his critically acclaimed 2011 debut "The Bad Doctor" from @MyriadEditions.
This week, we take a look at Yuri Is My Job 1 by @n28miman from @KodanshaUSA. Check it out here: https://t.co/NYuYz1QyPm
Our Graphic Novel of The Month for January is The Quintessential Quintuplets 1 by @negi_haruba from @KodanshaUSA. Check it out here: https://t.co/74xlWJnlWh
This week, we take a look at Danganronpa 2: Ultimate Luck And Hope And Despair Volume 1 by @SpikeChunsoft_e from @DarkHorseComics. Check it out here: https://t.co/N7ZhmijEbq
This week, we take a look at Venom by Donny Cates Vol. 1: Rex by @Doncates & @RyanStegman from @Marvel. Check it out here: https://t.co/DK7OCVqAIk
Congratulations @bev_metallica, you have won a copy of Fire Force Vol. 1. Please DM us your details so we can post it out to you.
Follow and retweet to win a copy of Fire Force Vol. 1 by @Atsushi_Ohkubo from @KodanshaUSA as part of our daily December comic & manga giveaway. Open to UK residents only. Winner announced Tuesday at 10 AM.
Congratulations @kevcroc, you have won a copy of Tokyo ESP Vol. 1. Please DM us your details so we can post it out to you.
Follow and retweet to win a copy of Tokyo ESP Vol. 1 by Hajime Segawa from @Vertical_Comics as part of our daily December comic & manga giveaway. Open to UK residents only. Winner will be announced Friday at 10 AM.