

A 25 year old turtle enthusiast who mainly posts about Fire Emblem, whatever I’m currently fixated on, and my silly little OC’s. 🐢 (Banner by @faereiyon)

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Fire Emblem Heroes Heroes ascended heroes before they were cool:

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Patrica: First Mate
A former thief who was recruited by Livia’s pirate gang. Forged a strong bond with Livia, and became her first mate. Currently protects Rocatouri with her impeccable knife combat. Quiet and intense. She’s extremely intimidating.

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My OC world counterparts of Thó and Loki!
Taking extremely loose inspiration from Norse mythology Thor and Loki, although very little is known about these two to my other OC’s.
Hope you like them! :)

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Loki: Trickster Demigod
A self-claimed demigod who insists he’s from another world.
Searches for his half sister Thó, after she was kicked out by their parents. He is a master of shapeshifting magic. Conniving and sadistic. Friends with Verdane and Circi.

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Fire Emblem Heroes CYL6 leaks 🐢

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Mai: Summoner Paradi
A girl hailing from far away. Mysteriously appeared one day, and unlocked her magic ability to summon heroes from other worlds to fight for her under a contract. She shows a gloomy appearance, although she’s very headstrong and intense.

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Comparison with normal Staria and Lio! Staria’s dark design, and Lio’s cursed design were so fun! I’m excited to do more fallen OC’s in the future. ☺️

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I love how Feh actually gave us an entire Rhea Emblem team before we even got her base form.

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Verdane: Valiant Archer

Leader of the Skyland Mercenaries. The smallest merc guild on the continent, but extremely capable. An incredible shot with a bow and arrow, he wields no magic. A gentle giant who’s calm demeanor brings others to trust him easily.

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The third of my monthly OC’s in FEHeroes style seasonals!
Check them out and leave a like if you like! ☺️ https://t.co/uSpKoK0m35

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