

A loud bird that likes to tweet.

フォロー数:93 フォロワー数:4234

My mind has been blown with alot of people telling me they don't like the new Raths roar so now I'm curious are there any other roars that got changed for worse to you? IB Zinogre is a clear one for me

I've heard some heretics say that new Garuga roar is worse too

7 208

Are there any other returning monsters in 5th gen that have a worse design to you despite the graphical "upgrade" they received?

Like how some people don't like Tigrex's new head design or how Rathian mostly lost the patterns on its wings

13 278

I had to renew a recipe for a medicine called "Diurex" today but my Monster Hunter brain interfered and I accidently typed "Diorex" instead

9 153

My love for simple yet effective designs reaches further than just Monster Hunter. Urabrask from MTG is so freaking cool and he's just a furnace demon thing

20 124

If and when underwater returns it should be abundantly clear that the monsters have the home turf advantage in there

112 959

That moment when Velkhana gets two new unique turf wars with the two flagships from Rise and Sunbreak but not the one from World

10 110

Nergigante if Capcom didn't know what they're doing

19 396

Vaal Hazak theme has to be the most underrated monster theme in existence

118 834

I want Konchus to return in MH6 along with Kulu ya-ku so he can have an interaction for picking one up and using it as weapon but soon losing control of it cause the Konchu starts flailing

15 86