

I'm a big deal on TikTok no please don't walk away you have to believe me I-
🦇 @ambattii 🦇

フォロー数:963 フォロワー数:1205

Looking back this may be one of my favorite comics I've made

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My name's Ethan Catt, but you can call me Ethan Catt! I stream art & games, and I made some of those comics you probably saw on the internet that one time. Ya welcome

💌artofthecatt [at] gmail dot com

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me content in doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the day after helping my friends raise $469 for charity

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Skatsune Miku................

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Thanks for coming out and helping us raise $469 (nice) for Doctor's Without Borders!! Y'all the real MVP

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I miss making dumb comics

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