

Master Linguist in the language of JA 🐢
Turtwig Stanja 🐢
Twitch Affiliateja 🐢
He/They 🐢
business emailja: [email protected]

フォロー数:421 フォロワー数:657

Hiii everyone we have NEW EMOTES done by the LOVELY !! She absolutely did an incredible job and you should commission her when her commissions are open!!

These were only able to be commissioned bc you all have been so supportive of the channel so thank you so much!

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LIVEJA now with the Pokémon HG Nuzlocke being continued from Light!! Fritzz and I had to swap and ALSO gonna be a lil late night stream!!
I'm in my halloween costume as well if you wanna see!!

Turtwig of the streamja: Turtres

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EVERYONE: The time has come for Turtwig to be part of the PERIODT crew. made this amazing piece of work that is "twigjaPERIODTJA"
Also shoutout to for the inspiration <3

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Everyone its FINALLY BACK!! Glasses, Luke, Marf, and I are all going head to head in a race to beat Pokémon Sw/Sh but under the rules of a WONDERLOCKE

6pm EST😱

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Yall we got NEW COOL STUFFJA for the streamja!!
Thank you so much for the pogja camera overlay and new bust picture.
And for the 2 new emotes SCAREDJA and the long awaited POGJA EMOTE!!

If y'all need any commissions, I highly recommend these peeps!!

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LIVEJA with Stardew Expanded :) Wholesome chill content for a couple of hours today!!

Turtwig of the streamja: Turtstoise

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Starting up Dark Souls 2 FINALLY!! Should I run a dex build? IDK MAN WE'LL SEE!!

Turtwig of the stream: Turrow

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Going live with more inscryption!! Spookja card game that makes ya shit your pantsja

Turtwig of the stream: Turtios

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Sooooooooo I couldn't wait any longer to stream Inscryption so I'm starting a bit earlier than usual LOL

This game is insane and I can't to delve more into the story of this crazy good game!

Turtwig of the stream: Raitwig

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