

.☆. Rainbowholic .☆.
.☆. Derp Artist .☆.
.☆. Anthro / Multi fandom Artist.☆.
.☆. @Yugitatsu is my Husbando Pillow & inspiration .☆.

フォロー数:15 フォロワー数:2004

Since its getting close to wearing scarfs season. Its time for some snuggles while sipping.

Beta © Me
White Tea ©

4 28

Bath time with little Periboo
This is Fuchsia Sapphire c: the addition to the team who was sent to earth with Peridot & Aura.

5 53

Old art stuff.
Some traditional with the fab boi

Wylin © Me

2 21

"If I turn the controller, it means I will turn corners faster."
Cause we all do this at one point.

7 58

Kite flying with little Stevie. 🪁

12 71

Thoughts and doubts
When you feel trapped in a choice and wonder if you are even good enough in order to protect your loved ones.

Hydlide © Me

5 17

Little boi Anvil
His biggest passion, he wanted to weight lift.

Anvil © Me

2 30