🛩 On vacation!!さんのプロフィール画像

🛩 On vacation!!さんのイラストまとめ

Im shy, depressed, and an artist | he/they/bot | Making a webcomic | I have an art twitter page @Twistedcreating

フォロー数:727 フォロワー数:278

Countdown being a bully to his younger brother

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Colored version is finished
Now i just need to think of a good background

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I asked my sis what pokemon would I be and she replied with Deino cuz of the haircut
And here we are
With another sona

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Oh look changing one of my sonas yet again-

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This was supposed to be a doodle but i decided to go all out
Dark chocolate cookie V.S. White chocolate cookie

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I really liked the Subcon Village remix and inspired me to make this gif.
It looks kinda choppy cuz I lost a few frames to my idiocy

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Chili pepper cookie icon as a warm up

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I wanted to join the "Draw yourself at Hat kid" thing
My journey is mostly consisting of obsessing over characters and dieing
Mostly dieing

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