

systems analysis // advocate // efficiency management

フォロー数:4763 フォロワー数:1133

Art from The Last Galactus Story from Epic Illustrated 26-34, John Byrne / Terry Austin / Jim Novak / Glynis Wein

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Are you really just gonna scroll by without saying "howdy" ?

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There are two tie-ins though, Final Crisis Superman Beyond 1 and 2, which had great art and a group of Superman fighting multiversal vampires over an infinite book using a GIANT SUPERMAN MECH for... some reason . It felt worth my time lol!

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Oh I thought you were gonna reference when Superman sang Darkseid to death in Final Crisis lmao

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This guy's shoulders did something to my psyche during my developmental years that could never be repaired

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Local hero man who my ex fell in love with had a glandular issue and looked like this. The school yearbook said he had five nipples. I watched him drink a tupperware container full of fruit juice

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I like to draw weird things and call out rightwing propaganda and manipulation tactics/hypocrisy through strategic communication in hopes someone sees our dumb exchanges and takes another look at the flaws in their hateful and inefficient belief systems!

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Why is drawing with the pencil tool so much more fun than drawing with the brush tool? Gads

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