

Nerdy Internet Dude! | Content Creator
All Views And Opinions Are My Own!

Business Email; [email protected]

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Celebrating 4 years on Twitch, 3,000 followers, an amazing community, and all the things to come in the future!

My first Subathon! This April! More info soon!

6 29

Our brand new God of War inspired merch dropped this week and I couldn't be happier!

Grab yourself a hoodie or shirt today!

3 21

Our Life Is Strange Oneshot starts in 30 minutes!
Completing the entire first game in one sitting, heard nothing but great things!

Which one next? Before the Storm or LiS 2?

2 11

Coming to a Twitch near you!

I ain't saying I'd make a good Starlord or anything but, C'mon. It just works.

4 26

Holy. Freakin'. Shit.

We did it Heroes.

4 48

Tonight. Community Night. BYOB.

I heard it was Blue, in Coms, with a candlestick.

1 12

Got some mind blowing fan art from the amazing !


We also added a background to it for ... something in the future.

3 36

We're dusting the sand off our gears for more Last Oasis tonight! Thanks again !

Want an Early Access survival game that's breaking the mould? Sick of zombies? Sick of being raided offline? Then make sure to come check it out LIVE!

2 8

The awesome folks have offered me a sponsorship for this weeks stream as we take a bite outta Last Oasis!

The latest Early Access survival game to hit Steam! Set in a world thats stopped turning, do we have what it takes to stay alive?

5 19

The Twisty-Beacon Is Still Lit! That means, we're still on

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