

A VOICE FOR ANIMALS The official page for the coolest hottest most overweight fledgling sabretooth dragon on the planet: Lucinda Hare ~The Dragonsdome Chronicle

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cont. but The Dragon Whisperer contains enough dark magic, fierce battle dragons, and slimy hobgoblins to appeal to young boys.

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Don’t be fooled though just because Hare has chosen a young girl as her protagonist doesn’t mean she has written a book solely for that gender. Yes, the tale flies in the face of books <> that have strong male protagonists.

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The one letdown of Hare’s work, is that, in marketing it towards children, adults might see it as ‘just another children’s book’ and pass it over. The back cover boasts a ‘9+’ age rating and I urge anyone nine or over to snap this read up. Verdict? A battle-dragon of a book!

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I have read all of the Dragon Whisperer books & have to say that these books are fantastic! they could be read by children or adults as they are equally enjoyable for all I'm just a massive kid in my thirties so I read these for myself before reading them to my nieces and nephews

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Reading Lucinda Hare’s novel The Dragon Whisperer is like riding a dragon You have to hold on tight during the twist and turns, prepare yourself for the sudden lows, enjoy the soaring heights & make sure you’re not on the wrong end of that fiery breath!

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The Dragon Whisperer ~ let your imagination take flight...

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A battledragon of a book 9 years to 109 years

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Chasing the Stars works her magic...
I dare say Root is not the only one who might faint meeting a dragon...
how would you react?

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Be The Dragon Whisperer and let your imagination take flight ....

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