

Serás por siempre un imán de imágenes...

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"Wherever you are, be all there"
Jim Elliot
by Luke Fitzsimons

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"¡Color! ¡Qué lenguaje profundo y misterioso, el lenguaje de los sueños!"
Paul Gauguin

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"Ninguno de los dos engaña al otro, pero los dos mentimos".

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"Come and kiss me and let’s forget."
F. Scott Fitzgerald

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"A book can teach you, a conversation can assure you, a poem can seduce you, a genius can inspire you but only you can save yourself."
Anthony Anaxagorou

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Talk to me softly
There's something in your eyes
Don't hang your head in sorrow
And please don't cry...

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"The power of imagination makes us infinite."
John Muir

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