

Doodler. Lurker. Undertale, KagePro, Ib, & RWBY fan. Always bothers @Ragsrun_DF. ミ●﹏☉‿¬ Avatar is by @RiriDraws. Header is by @Shaister.

フォロー数:128 フォロワー数:577

Lil' dump of recent-ish stuff.

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I'm sorry, god

tfw the accident looks nicer than the original though. < >

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*mumbles rude things about environment thumbnails*

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Evenin', scoobert doobert. I feel like committing manslaughter tonight.

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Ari is great, also. Ahhh. <3 Thank you, dear.

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Besides a quick Vajra face, not as much as I'd like to, hah. : ( Need to rush a few other projects.

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...I was going to make a cruddy mini comic, but instead left it at a cruddy pouty face of your avatar.

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This poor Vajra, ahah.

I'll probably sketch some aragami later. Reeeally like their designs.

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