Internet unfunny boy. He/Him. 28. Host of @Adventuresin000 and Co-host of @OP_AnimePodcast. Persona, Tokusatsu, Trigger.

フォロー数:140 フォロワー数:348

Getting the urge to rewatch Peacemaker

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Streams for the Weekend

Friday (Pre podcast): Yakuza 7 Grinding w/ Song Requests
Friday (Post podcast): Naruto Storm 2 - At least through Chapter 6
(Might Switch those around)

Saturday: Pokemon Platinum Room Randomizer w/ Song Request

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These are games I'm definitely start at some point soon.

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The only thing keeping me going

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As someone who's been playing alot of Fire Emblem Warrior Three Hopes recently: PUT 👏 THE 👏 HELMET 👏 BACK 👏 ON 👏 THE 👏 DEATH 👏 KNIGHT 👏

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