

AKA: Kin, Kindoodle, TypicalKin. Your local British 20 y/o artist n’ I draw whatever I like | @Crowffee is kinda cool tbh | Commissions: Closed

フォロー数:246 フォロワー数:300

A gift for your return, I didn’t know what Cloudy would exactly look like so I made ‘im a charming little lad with fluffy hair.

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My first proper model made in Maya!

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This game’s pretty gosh darn good. So thus, gotta make some fanart!

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woah some art for once!

woah it's ms paint

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new style! May consider keeping it.

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Animation will be on a long term learning sorta thing but for now, owo wots dis?

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Hap birt avocado boy
(I have the actual arts but it's traditional and I can't post it hhhh)

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