

Artist and Collector 🤖☢️💣 Mix of curated, original, and robot posts. Rooted in Cubism, Constructivism, Crypto; practice generative, neural, and glitch art.

フォロー数:4627 フォロワー数:2238

system initializing with number 21 via sketch

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curated from linked artist here artist-mcescher: Concentric Rinds, 1953, M.C. Escher

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For you perusal the cover to Issue No.69, via sketch

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from Urban Aesthete Must we always explain ourselves / to each other / to our hive / or can we fold within / until there...

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system initializing with number 88 via sketch

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system initializing with number 37 via sketch

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For you perusal the cover to Issue No.96, via sketch

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curated from linked artist here fravery: Alex Fruehmann White curtain

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curated from linked artist here regolo54: Impossible & Toroid

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For you perusal the cover to Issue No.14, via sketch

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