

I Draw | Write | Stream | OCs & FanArt | Some art is NSFW🔞

depending on your standards.

フォロー数:852 フォロワー数:731

So many skins, I need them all!!! But no moneys for them atm... oh, the feels.

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Fun Stream Tonight! thankyou to all the new followers💗 and everyone who came out to hang with me 😘
Heres what came out of tonight; i'm still workin on the same piece but desided it needed a change. It may need more but i'm now happy with the direction its going🤘

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Fun stream tonight, I made some changes to the project but its still a sorry i'm so slow at still... mainly cuz i'm so indecisive lol

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Fun stream tonight! Thanks to all the new followers and everyone who came out to hang with me. Don't know when the next stream will be yet cuz of my scrambled work schedual, but i'll let ya'll know whe it does❤️ Heres our progress from tonights stream

0 2 i'm still live playing around with Animation stuff today~

0 0 live for who knows how long! in VRChat!

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Live Now with them Dailies on Warframe for a bit

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I gotta say Pretty happy with Harrow and his Quest. I have thoroughly have enjoyed all of it and am still really liking Harrow! 👌

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love what's happening on this game so far, but when will we be able to get my main man Stefan and his Vague Katti out of a banner?

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one day at a time buddy, you'll over come this and be that much stronger because of it, keep up the good work ya'hear!

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